Infinite Opportunities to Learn

Students at The Albany Academies are extraordinarily busy with learning from morning to evening– this often extends to weekends and vacation times as well.
Students at The Albany Academies are extraordinarily busy with learning from morning to evening– this often extends to weekends and vacation times as well. From an early age, students learn how to navigate this very rich educational environment in order to try the new, to gain further expertise in their dominant interests, and to manage their time in a very demanding, but ultimately very enjoyable experience. Academy students learn to juggle their commitments to academics, arts, and athletics.
All of this “busyness” prepares students to take on rigorous work at the most selective colleges, where they will select and pursue their initial life directions. Graduates of the Academies report back from college that they seem better prepared in the areas of study skills and time management by the rigorous and full life they experienced at The Albany Academies.
Among the many opportunities for learning beyond the classrooms are:
Community Service
Clubs There are clubs and extracurricular activities for practically every interest
The After-School Program
Academic Teams and Competitions Our Middle and Upper school students consistently receive top honors in regional science and math competitions.
Artistic Performances
Domestic and International Travel; Service Learning
Student Government
Open-Mike Night
The Houses
Sister Classes
The Cadet Corps
International Taste of the World

Upper School Campus

Lower And Middle School Campus

Schellenberger Alumni/ae Center